lam_logo_600wThe DTLA Mini-Maker Faire, hosted at the Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL), is excited to have LA Makerspace join us this December 3, 2016. L.A. Makerspace is a group of makers, engineers, entrepreneurs, and academics whose goal is to make hands-on STEAM learning opportunities for L.A.’s kids.

What makes LA Makerspace so significant to this year’s Faire is that they focus on developing lifelong skills that are relatable to many aspects of an individual’s life. As they explain: “We’re super excited about Maker learning, because you don’t just learn STEAM skills—You also learn (and most importantly, practice) a way of problem-solving that you can use in school, in life, and for fun!”

Adults are not the only ones that get to educate and teach. Some of LA Makerspace’s facilitators are kids themselves! With Coding Crew, children ages 11 and up can teach programming language to other kids. If interested, or to have Coding Crew come to your group, visit us here.

LA Makerspace is all about providing STEAM support and advice to all those who seek it. Their founder, Tara Tiger Brown, has given advice to the White House about Making for families! She shares her personal goals and reasons for why Making is so important for our communities. Read more here.

Recently, one of their first alumna, Gemma Busoni, appeared on NBC news for her amazing work in virtual reality. The news article titled, “Meet 3 Latinas Leading in Virtual and Augmented Reality,” shares how Busoni is breaking barriers in the STEAM field as the head of Community at Discovr Labs, and as a mentor.

We are honored to have LA Makerspace be a part of this year’s DTLA Mini-Maker Faire, and we are excited to see what they have in store for everyone!

Check out one of their cool training videos with Librarians at LAPL: